Thursday 28 February 2008

Good News.... for once.

Well this has been a week for good news on the old hospital front.
I had an appointment with my consultant and specialist nurse on Monday, to follow up the one I had missed in half term.
Recently, as I have explained, I am currently suffering from a lot of pain in my left knee which I automatically thought was arthritis back for the vengeance again, but alas it is not, which is really good. However that does leave somewhat of a question mark over what it might possibly be.
Back to the actual appointment, I was all checked out with various bending and pulling about to see what the mobility of my joints was like, and apparently 'although I am slightly restricted in both my hip joints, I am otherwise well'. Dr Armon, who is (well was) my consultant, said that she was happy with how I am and thinks that the pain I'm feeling has nothing, NOTHING, to do with my arthritis. We did ask about the problems that I have been having with the methotrexate and she did what all doctors do when there is a problem they're not sure about, CHUCK PILLS AT IT... WOO! So I've now been prescribed a months worth of anti-sickness drugs and see how that goes. I'm happy with doing that if it will works, anythings got to better than throwing my guts up every week. Also, she thinks that I can come off the metho by June which is awesome and, I must admit, as I sat there when she was telling me this I almost shed a few joyful tears. I have on the stuff long enough and it is a VERY big relief to finally be free.
At the end of my appointment, they decided it was time for me to finally grow up and move on to the adult side... also known as the dark side... so as Dr Armon hastily shook my hand and wished me well tears started to well up in her eyes. Bless... I do like to leave my mark.
The liver thing was nothing, by the way, wasn't even that much to worry about... which is also a massive relief.
Hmm... think thats everything covered on the hospital front... damn good!

Schools all good and in full almost exam mode in art and drama. Eeep!
I'll be able to report back on that this time next week when my practical drama exam will be all over.

Thanks for reading x


Lizzy said...

Good luck for the exam, mish, wish I could be there to cheer you along in the corridors, but I hope it all goes well.
Great news about the metho, let's hope they stick to their word :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad things have taken a turn for the better. Sorry I typo'd the last post

Marianne said...

Didn't know you'd created this, but now that I do I'll be reading too!
So sorry to be the cause of Doom Day - you know I'd do anything to help you live your life to the fullest and I don't feel good about having to make you go through this. Hopefully, though, things will improve now that you have some hope of stopping the medication and the lovely Tara has taken over my duties for now.
Love you lots my honey bee xxxxxxxx Mommy